Universal will be bringing the remake of The Wolfman to dvd and blu-ray in an unrated director's cut on June 1st. The blu-ray will also contain the theatrical version as well. Special Features are listed below courtesy of blu-ray.com.
- U-Control
- Take Control: Special Makeup Artist Rick Baker, Visual Effects Producer Karen Murphy-Mundell and Director of Photography Shelly Johnson ASC take control of the viewing experience in this unique feature, offering a personal visual commentary by engaging with select scenes of the film to reveal details of the filmmaking process.
- Werewolf Legacy, Lore and Legend: This documentary gives viewers a visual tour through more than seventy years of Universal's Wolf Man films and thousands of years of werewolf mythology.
- Two alternate endings not seen in theaters
- Deleted and extended scenes
- Featurettes:
- Return of The Wolfman: This featurette will look at how the cast and crew behind this new retelling have tapped into the tragic roots of legend and cinematic lore to unleash a new terror for today's audience.
- The Beast Maker: A detailed look at how make-up wizard Rick Baker transformed a classic monster into a modern nightmare!
- Transformation Secrets: Whether transforming werewolves, producing hallucinogenic nightmares or recreating the fog-covered streets of Victorian London, this featurette will look at how the visual effects team has created a haunting world of moonlit monsters and unsettling thrills.
- The Wolfman Unleashed: The team behind the stunt and action units share the physical challenges of bringing the Wolfman to life and creating a series of intense and action-oriented set pieces.
- BD-Live™, pocket BLU™ app and UniversalHiDef.com:
- The first ever online streaming of the original 1941 classic The Wolf Man
- pocket BLU™ app: USHE's groundbreaking pocket BLU™ app uses iPhone(TM), iPod® touch, Blackberry®, Android(TM), PC and Macintosh to work seamlessly with a network-connected Blu-ray(TM) player and offers advanced features such as:
- Advanced Remote Control: A sleek, elegant new way to operate your Blu-ray(TM) player. Users can navigate through menus, playback and BD-Live(TM) functions with ease.
- Video Timeline: Users can easily bring up the video timeline, allowing them to instantly access any point in the movie.
- Mobile-To-Go: Users can unlock a selection of bonus content with their Blu-ray(TM) discs to save to their device or to stream from anywhere there's a Wi-Fi network, enabling them to enjoy exclusive content on the go, anytime, anywhere.
- Browse Titles: Users will have access to a complete list of pocket BLU(TM) app-enabled titles available and coming to Blu-ray(TM) Hi-Def. They can view free previews and see what additional content is available to unlock on their device.
- Keyboard: Enter data into a Blu-ray(TM) player with your device's easy and intuitive keyboard that will facilitate such Blu-ray(TM) features as chatting with friends and sending messages.
- social BLU™: Connect with friends on your favorite social networks to share information about your favorite movies, enjoy Blu-ray(TM) community features and more!
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